The Rose Cross Ritual under moon

Most Powerful Golden Dawn Meditations: The Rose Cross Ritual

The Rose Cross Ritual is a powerful meditation used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to protect your space from negative entities such as thought forms and egregors. Unlike the more common rituals, this one is not done in the cardinal directions, but at the diagonals, then above and below the hierophant.

1. Light a stick of incense. Standing in the center of the room and facing East, do the Qabalistic Cross Ritual. Go to the South East corner of the room and draw with the incense (in your right hand) a large cross from top to bottom, then left to right, and in the center circle clockwise from the bottom of the right crossbar from the 4 o clock position and around to the 3 o clock position with The Rose Cross Ritual utterance:

“Yeheshuah, Yehovasha”

while holding the point of the incense in the center vibrate the words.

Keeping your arm outstretched at the same level of the cross bar of the cross, draw a line from the center of the first cross to the SW corner and repeat the cross drawing with the incense, and repeating the Word. Again, draw a line to the NW corner as you move to the North West corner and repeat the cross and Word. You want the lines to be at perfect angles and level, to create lines of protection around your sacred space.

Go to the North East corner and repeat the cross and the Word. Complete your circle by returning to the South East corner and bringing the point of the incense to the central point of the first cross which you should imagine in the astral there. Trace a line up to the original center point as you walk diagonally across the room towards the North West corner. In the center of the room, above your head, trace the cross and circle and vibrate the Name.

Holding the stick on high, go to the North West and bring the point of the stick down to the center of the astral cross there. Turn towards the South East and retrace your steps there, but now, holding the incense stick directed across the floor. In the center of the room, make the cross and circle towards the floor under your feet, and vibrate the Name.

9. Complete the Rose Cross Ritual circle by returning to the South East and bringing the point of the stick again to the center of the Cross, then move with arm outstretched to S.W. corner. From the center of this cross, and, raising the incense before, walk diagonally across the room towards the North East corner. In the center of the room, draw again the cross above your head previously made, vibrating the Name.

Bring the stick to the center of the NE cross and return to the SW, incense stick down, and pausing in the center of the room to link up with the cross under your feet. Return to the South West and rest the point of the incense a moment in the center of the cross. Holding the incense, retrace your circle to the North West, link on to the N.W. Cross — proceed to the N.E. cross and complete your circle by returning to the S.E., and the center of the first cross. Retrace the cross, but larger, and make a big circle, vibrating for the lower half Yeheshuah, and for the upper half Yehovashah.

Return to the center of the room, and visualize the six crosses in a net-work around you. The Rose Cross Ritual can be concluded with the “Analysis of the Keyword” and again the “Qabalistic Cross”.