
Cleanse Your Energy with This Sage Smudging Ritual

Sage Smudging is a practical, and very ancient ritual used to cleanse sacred spaces of negative energies, low-astral negatives, and restore balance in sacred spaces. The effects can be amplified with the banishing rituals of the pentagram and hexagrams, and using crossing oil over your doors and windows.

Start with virgin sage, and perform a banishing ritual on the sage prior to use. Store it in your magic box, altar or area away from other people’s energy. The ritual should be formed after a physical cleansing of the space. You will need a censer, a feather or palm frond to blow the smoke, and a white lighter. After the LBRP, you may call on the elementary energies to restore, banish, and protect the corners.

Light the sage while intonating the uttering:

I command any negativity, any low vibrational energy, and non-benevolent beings within this space to leave and go to the light. You are not welcome here. I command you to leave through an open window (or door) and return from whence you came to be transformed to light energy. I call upon the element of air to carry my words across space and time, so that they may reach all corners of this home and beyond.I call upon the element of fire to burn away all negative and stagnant energy that has been left behind by those who have entered into this space. I call upon the element of earth to absorb all traces of negative energy that may linger on in this space, so that no trace remains after we have cleansed our home with smoke.I call upon the element of water to wash away any lingering negativity or thought forms associated with others who have lived here before us – and bring peace, tranquility and unconditional love back into our lives again.

Visualize a white sphere coming down from the top of the Universe, and complete the Qabalistic Cross, and imagine the sphere following you as you traverse the area, clockwise, starting from the East. As you begin the Sage Smudging, blow the smoke out ward, imagine the sphere transforming into the smoke, and lightening the energy of the area you are cleansing. If you want, you may chant the verses from Samuel 7: 28 – 29,

herefore now, O Lord God, (for thou art God, and thy words be true, and thou hast told this goodness unto thy servant) 29Therefore now let it please thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for ever before thee: for thou, O Lord God, hast spoken it: and let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever, with thy blessing.

Chant the incantation, cleansing room by room, until you come to the room with an open window or door. You end the Sage Smudging with the License to Depart, granting permission for whichever energies you want released to leave, harming none as they go, back to the Source.

A good go to line is:

I state and declare this space blessed and cleansed, in, out, above and below; any energies trapped here are free to go, harming none as you do so, going back to the Source out a drain, door, or open window.”

You then open a door a crack and say “Amen.” (Be it so.)

If you have stubborn entities, you might need to be more firm with them. If you don’t feel comfortable using scripture from the bible, you may use any scripture that feels relevant, or create your own. You might try this one.