
Stop Aging With the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram

The Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram

The Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, or LBRH is a powerful ritual designed to lessen the energies of the planetary realm, and to retard aging. Saturn (Chronos) is the God of Time. Severing the binds of the planetary Archons by practicing the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram on a daily basis will result in massive shifts to your energy, mood, aura, and has even slowed down the aging process. the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram and other similar rituals like the LBPR are done by visualizing the shapes being drawn in a plasmatic lightning or fire type of energy. The Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, just as the rest, is done in the astral world and not insomuch as the physical realm. In the beginning, you won’t see these energies; but after much practice you will begin to feel them, then visualize it, and start to see what looks like “highway heat” eminating from your aura. Last, it will finally crystallize and people will be able to see your energy.

This ritual consists of two parts: the Formulation of the Hexagrams and the Analysis of the Key Word.

The Formulation of the Hexagrams

1. Stand in the center of your ritual space, facing east. Draw the banishing unicursal hexagram of Saturn in
brilliant white flame.

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With the arm and index finger fully extended, start above and before your head.

Draw a line diagonally down to the right, stopping at a point before and to the right of your right hip; then draw diagonally to a point

at the upper left, stopping before and to the left of your left shoulder; then draw diagonally down, to just before your groin;

then draw diagonally to the upper right, stopping just to the right of your right shoulder; then draw diagonally down again to the lower left,

just to the left of your left hip;and finally, draw back up to where the figure started. As you draw the hexagram,

vibrate at the same time the divine name that charges it:


On the last syllable of the vibrated word, stab the center of the hexagram and see the fiery white lines burst into flame.

Feel the awe of the divine name charging the hexagram, locking it into perfect form.

In the center of the hexagram, trace the sigil of Saturn in white flame while vibrating the Godname:


On the last syllable, stab the center of the sigil as before, charging it and sealing it. Then trace a brilliant white line from

the center of the hexagram to the south (as done pentagramntagram ritual).

Draw there another banishing hexagram of Saturn with the planetary sigil in the center, vibrating the same names and charging

the figures as before. Continue the line to the west, doing the same there.

Continue the line to the north, doing the same there.

Finally, complete the circle by continuing the line to the east and connecting to where you started in the center of the eastern hexagram.

Stand in the middle of your circle, facing east, and see the hexagrams around you. Feel the heat of the flame.

The Analysis of the Key Word

Extend a straight right arm to the upper right and point straight away from the heart with the index finger. Say commandingly:


Then traHebrew Hebrew letters before you from right to left as you say them:

Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod

See them as large and formed of brightfirete fire.

Spread your arms out straight to your sides, forming a cross, and say:

Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother. Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer. Sol, Osiris,
Slain and Risen.

At the word “Risen,” bring your arms to your chest, crossing the right forearm over the left like a mummy.

Slowly raise your arms over your head like an opening flower as you utter the following:

Isis! Apophis! Osiris!

By the time you say, “Osiris,” your arms should be raised in a V shape, palms
upward. Maintaining this invoking stance, vibrate:


Extend your arms wide open in the form of a cross and say:

The Sign of Osiris Slain.

Raise your right arm straight up, lower your left arm till it is parallel to the floor, and incline your head to the left.

Feel a great swell of sadness and say mournfully:

The Sign of the Mourning of Isis!

Bring your arms to the V position again, except this time, your hands should be flipped over so that your palms face

outward and down, like wings. Feel a terrible surge of triumph and victory. Say audaciously:

The Sign of Apophis and Typhon!

Cross your forearms over your chest, like a mummy, making an X and feeling tremendous relief and vindication. Say:

The Sign of Osiris Risen.

Then, as you say the following, make the signs that correspond to the letters

L … V … X … Looooooox.

And, as you say the final phrase,

“The Light of the Cross,” spread your arms wide in the form of a cross on the word “Light” and cross your arms in the mummy
pose again on the word “Cross”:

The Light . . . of the Cross.

Pause a moment and feel the force of life pressing from within you, pushing you to evolve and grow in the face of resistance.

The cross of thelementslements both conceals and reveals that force. Balance your energies with the Qabalistic Cross.